Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Build Released - v.1a.1

I released a new build of AstroMiner tonight.  You can get the download details here:

Here is the official changelog for this version:
  1. Radar
  2. Better Mouse Controls
  3. Beam lights up the area around it
  4. More Base2
  5. Performance updates - more specifically, the structures draw method and the world draw method have been combined, giving me an increase in 30fps. Player won't notice because the game is fixed at 60fps, but it gives me more leeway for when I want to add features in the future.
  6. Chests now drop items if they are destroyed
  7. W and A can now be used to control the menu.
  8. Top left GUI can now be modded.
  9. Ability to turn audio on/off has been added to the options screen.
  10. Logging support has been added. A game.log file is created in the root folder.
  11. Background track from Connor Humphreys - Artist of the Fortnight (1 of many!)
I'll be starting work on terraforming soon.  I can't wait to get into that code.  I have a lot of awesome ideas sketched out.  As long as I didn't introduce any new bugs in this build, I'll be working on that part of the game soon.

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